Have you ever read one of those "choose your own adventure" books? On each page you can make a choice which takes you to a different page where the story continues.. Well here's a browser-based system that lets you make web-based interactive stories like that.
Twee is a simple markup language for TiddlyWikis. It was invented when Chris spilled water on his laptop's trackpad, which knocked it out of commission temporarily, and he still wanted to work on his TiddlyWiki. It's evolved into a language for creating interactive stories.
The easiest way to get started with Twee is to download Tweebox below. It's a compiler for Twee files that runs right in your Web browser. It also comes with an online manual that explains step-by-step how to write a story with Twee.
Jonah is a format for displaying interactive stories created with Twee. Like Twinkie, it is a stripped-down version of TiddlyWiki, but it goes even further — stripping away everything except the flow of your story. It's designed to look elegant but generic enough to suit almost any story, and comes with a set of macros designed to make writing interactive stories easy.
The best way to get a feel for this tool is to
check out a sample mini-story. I like the way each chioce adds more to the bottom of the page - you really get a feel of being in an interactive story rather than hopping from page to page.
from http://ajaxian.com/