This is a sample post to show how NANY authors should post about their programs.
Start a new thread in this section, use as the title of the post this format: MyProgramName - v1.00.01 - December 14, 2006
Then the content of the post should describe the release, then the program, and attach the lastest version as a zip file to download.
And make sure you also attach a screenshot!
When you release a new version just edit your first post and update the release info (make sure you adjust title of thread as well), then uncheck your previous attachment of your zip file, and attach the new version.
We will also be providing web space for anyone who wants to make a full web page for their program.
Example program listing:
MySampleApp - v1.00.01 - December 14, 2006- First public release.
- No features.
WHAT IT DOES:This program doesn't do anything, it's just a sample.
PREVIOUS RELEASES:MySampleApp - v1.00.00 - December 10, 2006- Internal release.
- No features at all.