It's really sad the open-source guys haven't embraced torrent technology; whenever I've found a project with a torrent release (usually that would be stuff
large enough to warrant the "complication" of p2p vs. a simple download, like a linux or bsd iso image), either the tracker has been down, or I have gotten really lame speeds (as opposed to some of the university http servers that host the distros and can easily reach 2mbyte/sec).
The people involved in distribution should really get together, I'm sure they could save a considerable amount of bandwidth and system load if a considerable amount of them set up torrent servers instead of the traditional ftp and http for their ISOs. Would also make distribution to the sites very easy & automated, if set up properly.
I wonder if the Trend Watch takes encrypted (SSL/TLS, torrent protocol-encryption, and SSH tunneled) traffic into account... I have a feeling that things like encrypted FXP between scene topsites has slipped out of this trend. And even if it doesn't quite live up to the combined trickle of all the p2p "end-users", it ought to amount to
something No wonder that whole net neutrality debate started.