is a great site for getting your daily news about delphi and delphi-related tools and software. is a side project from Tobias and Dennis Gurock (our blog: This site has been developed as an internal project for the Gurock Software intranet. We decided to make it public when we noticed how useful such a site would be for the Delphi community. Although this site originated from Gurock Software, this site is purely a private project of us and is not provided by Gurock Software.
This site collects many different feeds from blogs, newsgroups and other Delphi sites. We then publish short excerpts from the postings or articles on the front page. The whole process is automated and we cannot review every single posting that is added to this site. We try to include quality blogs and sites only so that the signal/noise ratio should be good. If we notice that a blog mostly contains off topic postings or offensive content, we will consider removing the site in question.