This is the first in a series of weekly posts introducing you to smaller lesser known wikis on the web.
The goal will be to introduce you to new sources of information on specific topics, and hopefully those of us with knowledge in these topic areas may want to contribute to the wikis and improve them.
Our first stop: Wikimapia - Let's Describe the Whole World
At first it seems like just a giant Google map.
Wiki of the Week: WikimapiaBut when you click an area, you are zoomed in for closer inspection and given a chance to describe a place you are familar with, or read a description someone else has given.
Take a look at your own neighborhood on this wiki.
Click the Wikimapia menu at the top and select "Search City" and type in the name of your town. Then select the correct one from the list.
Wiki of the Week: Wikimapia(my neighborhood)
Are the parks, hospitals, and other landmarks labeled and described? If not, maybe you might want to contribute a description for a few.
Here I am adding a description of a supermarket near my house:
Step 1: adding a place:
Zoom in on the location you want to describe and click the red "add place" button at the top. Then adjust the box over the location. When you have it the way you want it, click OK.
Wiki of the Week: WikimapiaStep 2: Add the description:
Wiki of the Week: WikimapiaAs soon as it is approved, it will be added to the map:
Wiki of the Week: WikimapiaHave you ever wondered about the neighborhood that an online friend lives in? Zoom in on their town and see what kinds of landmarks have been labeled.
Wiki of the Week: WikimapiaI hope you have enjoyed this wiki. Come back next Friday and I will introduce you to another.