I decided it was time to code a GUI for UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables,
http://upx.sourceforge.net/) when I wanted to compress all possible resources on my USB thumbdrive. I am lazy and did not want to recursively compress by hand the files in the directories of the drive
Advanced GUI for UPX
1. Drop files and directories in the list window. Directories and their sub-directories are searched recursively for files that match the filter.
Cool feature: each file is tested for compression when the list is built and uncompressed resources only are checked. This gives the user a good overview of the state of the resources.
2. Compression/Decompression. All options of UPX 2.01 are available. Checking the radio control of decompress checks the compressed resources in the list and uncheck (of course) the non-compressed resources
3. Processing:
Cool feature: The status bar shows the progression of the gain of storage space on your drive as the list is processed. Same with decompression, when the gain turns into a loss.
-> Since the UPX process is completely hidden, the status bar indicates if UPX is active or not.
The source is posted at