Not everybody is stinking rich or idealist.-f0dder
Most "pirated" software is something you don't need. You see, people say "hm, I want to edit my holiday pictures, so I'll pirate Photoshop". You use three or four editing functions, nothing else. So why the hell do you want to pirate it? Because you can? Come on...
The same applies to other apps. Can you tell me
one application which is urgently important for you and too expensive to buy?
The cool stuff is typically expensive Tuxman. Games, Adobe, MS.-Bamse
Adobe is not cool, Adobe is bloated crap. I don't know
any home user who really needs their stuff.
MS? 100 bucks, not really much, is it?
Games? Which kind of games costs too much for you?
Most do not know much about free or fairly priced alternatives either.-Bamse
Of course they do, it's just that they don't want to use them. It's more "cool" to say "lol I own Photoshop y00!" instead of "hi I use GIMP" or something. However, I can't get it why anyone has to pirate these apps. I am a proud Open Source and Freeware user and even own some legally bought licenses for a couple of applications (I even spent some money for the Vim developer).