Vital for usage huh
haha such a wonderful compliment for Mouser.
So if they are already portable whats the problem XD ?
So far i am debating with myself, we know U3 did it but i think they had it built-in to the hardware and some people found it inconvenient. Not an option anyways i don't make USB drives lol.
Ceedo did it all software based, same concept works the same, less features then what i said. The thing about ceedo that gets me is it doesn't work with some programs unless you download them specially packaged and install them to usb. I can understand having a portable app on your USB. but if you know its something on everyones pc why not save space and only keep the settings stored not the app
makes sense to me. Like save you like using a program that is most definitely not portable, but you can save your settings and take them to multiple computers that already have it installed, that may not be a great as taking the app everywhere but it gives you a break by skipping inputting all your settings each time you go to a new pc.
Ultimate goal is to never have to reconfigure anything =P from scratch. At my college every pc i login to i get msn autoloading when i don't want it too, msn auto pops up msn today, it sorts people by groups, and doesn't remember my custom groups, or it doesn't save my emoticons, doesn't save my display pic, i doesn't keep tracks of my desktop or my files on my desktop etc,..
I am sure many other people can see how tedious this gets, it is also annoying beause every time i open MS Word on another computer it brings up the registration for user thing and asks for my initial and name so it can register to my user account and say who wrote the document in the detailed info / metadata. I honestly want it to feel like i am going to the same pc no matter where i am. Comfort is a good thing to have ^_^ i am sure you can appreciate what i mean since youa re so dependant on Mouser's wonderful apps =P.
I think NSIS is the only option though, but like i said i havent done anything before so maybe someone has better ideas or knows an easy way to code in it.
http://windowsxp.mvp...usershellfolders.htm <- has an awesome list of the User shell folders as well as their registry keys. It may be helpful. (XYPlorer is looking good on my desktop