as for
Double-click on an empty space = create folder
this works well, but there is a delay which is annoying
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
SetKeyDelay, , 50
MouseGetPos, , , , ctrl
ControlGet, sel, List, Count Selected, SysListView321, A
If DllCall("GetDoubleClickTime") > A_TimeSincePriorHotkey
and A_ThisHotkey = A_PriorHotkey
and ctrl = "SysListView321"
and sel = 0
SendEvent, !fwf
as for the other programs, I will check them out, but I wouldnt like resources-consuming programs and replacement of winxp defaults
opera yes, can do that by middle click, but I dont have middle button
plus I would like the others (save images, bookmark links etc) cannot be done within opera
I find it strange that these cannot be done, since autohotkey, autoit etc are supposed to integrate within every API and thus they can integrate within every function of windowsxp/applications. correct me if I am wrong
I think the only limitation in what one can do with ahk is user capabilities/knowledge