Just thought I'd add a script that does what I need, in case there are other with similar problems. This script in particular makes a few changes to Total Commander. It will replace the standard window captioning (which by default shows "Total Commander 6.55 - Registration name") with a much more useful current work path. Much more accessible & useful if you ask me
; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language: English
; Platform: WinXX
; Author: Dirhael (dirhael at gmail dot com)
; Script Function:
; Enables the display of the currently active work path in Total Commanders window captioning
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance ignore ; Only allow one running copy of this script
#NoTrayIcon ; We don't need the tray icon for this script
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
#MaxMem 1 ; While it's probably not needed, try to use as little memory as possible
SetEnv,tcpp_exe,TCPowerPack.exe ; The name of the Total Commander Powerpack executable
SetEnv,tc_exe,totalcmd.exe ; The name of the regular Total Commander executable
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Make sure that we're working in the same folder as the script's located in.
IfWinNotExist ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
Run, %A_WorkingDir%\%tcpp_exe%, , UseErrorLevel ; Check for TC Powerpack and run if found
if ErrorLevel = ERROR ; Attempt to run the regular version of Total Commander if we can't find TC Powerpack
Run, %A_WorkingDir%\%tc_exe%, , UseErrorLevel ; Check for regular Total Commander and run if found
if ErrorLevel = ERROR ; Error message and exit if we can't start the application
Msgbox, 16, , ERROR: Unable to launch Total Commander.`n`n%A_WorkingDir%\%tcpp_exe% -> File Not Found!`n%A_WorkingDir%\%tc_exe% -> File Not Found!`n`nPlease make sure that you are running this application from the same directory as one (or both) of the above executables are located.
WinWaitActive ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD ; No point in continuing until the Total Commander window is active
ControlGetText, text, TMyPanel2 ; Get the current path from the "command prompt" toolbar (will work even if it's not displayed)
StringTrimRight, text, text, 1 ; Get rid of the rightmost ">" character
WinSetTitle %text% ; Set the title captioning
IfWinNotExist ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD ; If Total Commander isn't running, we'll just exit here
It will first attempt to launch Total Commander, and keep running until you shut down TC. If you'd like to use it, keep in mind that you'll have to copy it to your TC folder. I've just compiled it, copied it to the correct folder, and changed my start menu shortcuts accordingly
Here's a before and after screenshot:
Utility to rename taskbar buttons/window titles?After:
Utility to rename taskbar buttons/window titles?