Hi all,
Just thought I'd pop in here as there have been a lot of interesting suggestions made with respect to future functionality in Find&Run. I just wanted to offer the suggestion that any new functionality be added in a step-wise fashion. That is, the current version works well but would benefit from a number of "tweaks" - the ability to select the hot key(s) to activate it, context menu options to create an alias from a search result, and so on. So, "tweak" the current version without adding any major new functionality. That way, users who really just want a super fast launcher get what they want.
I don't really know what I'm trying to say (Does it show
)... I guess the logical outcome of my suggestion is that there would be two versions of F&R. One that takes the fast launcher concept as far as it will go and another version that takes that as its base and continues to add functionality, such as text substitution and so on.
Just my convoluted two-bits.