« on: October 16, 2006, 12:16 PM »
Do you love stories? Do they excite you, fascinate you, exhilarate you? Have you ever wanted to try to jump right into a story and speak to the people in it? Have you thought about playing the protagonist, letting your feelings and imagination steer the story in new, creative directions?
If you have, then you’ve dreamt of interactive storytelling. And, in that case, you’re not alone - from the Neverending Story to the Star Trek Holodeck, people have created countless depictions of interactive storytelling. It’s hard not to be attracted to it; an artistic medium which offers the rich emotional experience of a story, coupled with the empowerment of actually being the protagonist. We are proud to present the first successful implementation of this appealing idea: Storytronics.
Business model
Storytronics is not just a new technology; it's a movement to create a revolutionary new artistic medium, and the industry that will support it. We have developed a unique business model to further this goal - the Swat will be available to storybuilders free of charge, and, if they wish, their finished storyworld will be included in the Storytron.com storyworld library. Players will gain access to this library for a small monthly fee, and royalties from this fee will be paid to storybuilders based on the amount of use their storyworlds attract.
from http://delicious.com/
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 04:56 PM by mouser »