See what Yaro Starak, an Australian Entrepreneur, thinks about "Click Flipping"
Duncan Riley emailed me and made a post about two new eBooks by Scott Boulch, one titled The Death of AdSense and the other Life After AdSense both available by handing over the usual name and email opt-in. Duncan doesn’t hand out praise easily, especially when it comes to Internet marketing products, so I was intrigued.
The Death of AdSense
I spent one day on-and-off reading the two ebooks and I must say I was impressed. The first book about why AdSense is not so good anymore was okay. It is basically attempting to prove a point about AdSense but since I already share much of the opinion (although I wouldn’t use as absolute language to state it - but you need absolute language to create controversy and The Death of AdSense certainly succeeded in that regard, which I’m sure Scott Boulch is happy about), it was largely a quick read with some head nodding now and then ...