GS-Calc - spreadsheet with unique capabilities for processing big data sets (4GB+ workbook files, up to 500GB data size in RAM).
- 32 million rows x 16,384 columns.
- A unique feature of organizing worksheets in a tree form.
- Efficient memory usage to quickly load and save huge files.
- Fast pivot tables (25 data functions vs 11 in Excel), no limit for variables in the solver functions.
- Using up to 64 processor cores during calculations with 450 built-in functions.
- Built-in functions can be replaced by user-written functions and retain the same "spilling"/array and multicore functionality.
- All functions can refer to closed workbooks.
- Unlimited hyperlinks, conditional formatting.
- Fast loading text/CSV files with up to 1 million columns and 32 million rows (or any number of rows with automatic splitting).
- Each sheet can be split into up to 100 panes synch. by columns or/and rows.
- GS-Calc can be installed on any portable storage device and used without performing any registry modifications.
Code: hz6q11s
GS-Base - database that lets you store any type of data: text and numeric fields, dates, long text memo fields, files, images, code snippets with syntax highlighting for 16 programming languages.
GS-Base can be useful for both simple applications like organizing your photo collections and extracting EXIF tags from photos or analyzing/monitoring your disk contents and to rapidly clean, transform using regex, analyze, perform merges and joins for multi-GB data sets with up to 256 million rows.
You can:
- perform both simple and complex record filtering, searching for duplicates, for unique values and frequencies, full-text searches, find-as-you-type, fuzzy searches, searching quartiles, random searches and one-click statistical breakdown analysis. You can use unlimited in-cell charts to spot trends;
- find file/photo/mp3/mp4 duplicates, manage listings of all disk files and monitor their changes; play found mp3's in any order;
- mass copy/rename/move files from filtered disk listings;
- analyze very large data sets using pivot tables with up to 256 million rows and 16,384 columns. You can use around 300 built-in calculation function in calculated fields, for data validation and conversion. GS-Base can use from 1 to 100 processor cores when updating calculated fields and pivot tables;
- use GS-Base files as encrypted containers for any type of data/files in their original formats.
Code: Tp62371