Why not combine this program "Clipboard Help+Spell" and "The Form Letter Machine" into one new program for clipboard control and writing text blocks?...-escalona
I thought about this suggestion for a long time because I use both programs a lot. But honestly, combining both applications would make program operation too confusing for beginners. Clipboard Help+Spell employs a single integrated database for everything in its clipping tree structure.
In contrast, The Form Letter Machine has separate files for each
unrelated passage/answer tree, which is reasonable. It also has separate symbolic variable substitution files for each collection of symbolic variables used for text substitution. For example, one passage/answer tree structure may supply information about seasonal semester classes and use symbolic variables to denote class times. If the response requires information about fall classes, the fall-class variable substitution file is selected; if it's spring classes, the spring-class variable substitution file is selected instead. Adding collections of symbolic variables to a clipboard extender seems unexpected and awkward.
Adding radio buttons to clips also seems awkward. You would have to take time to appropriately group your clipboard clips before you could add radio buttons to them, and most clipboard users wouldn't do this.
I think clipboard extenders should stick to managing data that's more transient and emphasize easy/quick text manipulation. In contrast, a canned response manager like The Form Letter Machine should manage static data trees. As a result, the configuration of such trees can be carefully crafted for radio buttons and check boxes for conditional assembly. If transient data exists in these carefully crafted tree structures, it needs to be coded with symbolic variables, which falls outside the mission of a clipboard extender.
The other commercial program, AceText http://www.acetext.com/-escalona
I took a detailed look at that very nice program, and it does support collections of acronym/mnemonic substitution for different trees. I'm not sure if you can use different collections for the same folder tree though. For example, for seasonal class times, could you have one substitution variable collection for fall and another for spring semester. But adding simple acronym substitution into a clipboard extender might be useful.
I reviewed both AceText and Clipboard Help+Spell in my StumbleUpon blog. Go into my blog and select the "Windows" or "clipboard" tag to find it at