GS-Base is a database that lets you store any type of data: text and numeric fields, dates, long text memo fields, files, images, code snippets with syntax highlighting for 16 programming languages.
GS-Base can be useful for both simple applications like organizing your photo collections and extracting any EXIF tags from photos to find photo duplicates or similar photos, playing filtered/random mp3 files, or listing all your disk files, monitoring file changes and adding any type of metadata to files, to clean data, transform using regex, analyze multi-GB data sets with up to 256 million rows.
You can perform both simple and complex record filtering, searching for duplicates, for unique values and frequencies, full-text searches, find-as-you-type, fuzzy searches, searching quartiles, random searches and one-click statistical breakdown analysis. You can use unlimited in-cell charts to spot trends.
You can also analyze very large data sets using pivot tables with up to 256 million rows and 16,384 columns. You can use around 300 built-in calculation function in calculated fields, for data validation, cleaning and conversion. GS-Base can use from 1 to 100 processor cores when updating calculated fields and pivot tables (e.g. Excel: 11 data functions, 1 million rows; GS-Base: 25 functions, 256 million rows, full regex filtering).
GS-Base can filter text/CSV files of any size regardless of the installed RAM. With GS-Base things like performing tables joins, normalizing (splitting) tables, merging records are easy and fast, even for millions of records.
GS-Base can be installed on any portable storage device and used without performing any registry modifications. It requires around 10MB of free space and it's fully offline - no internet connection needed.
Home page (details, screenshots, videos, online html help): code: dc49824 valid: 4/26/2024 - 4/27/2024 (GMT)