Concise it is
- Configurable URL Launcher: typing "wik bohemia" would launch the system default browser to do a wikipedia search on bohemia. This is available in Opera/Firefox etc and AppRocket. All you need is to insert the right value in the URL, config string would be like:
Super Context![/li]
[li]Autocomplete: AppRocket and QuickSilver autoselect the item that currently matches. It means <enter> immediately starts the item. FRR because it has a text entry field separate from the search list needs <enter> to be pressed twice! Of course you can use the number buttons but I would also like to simply use <enter> (it is a larger and easier key to hit). More importantly - QuickSilver and AppRocket don't "split" attention because of this. In FRR we type in one place - and the results appear in
another - forcing us to scan away from the typing position. Whatever kind of autocomplete is used allows attention to stay focused on one spot! You can see the various types of UI choice QS designs
here; note the integrated method of typing and the results.[/li]
[li]Modifiers: if I type "i octopus", the search will only search for image files, "m bartok" searches only music files. EDIT: I just found this:
an idea about an alternative to multiple configuration files, and it is more or less what I was looking for! +1 to whichever particular method gets chosen.[/li]
[li]Thumbnail view for images.[/li]
[li]+1 to rbeeger's suggestions for control panel etc. access[/li]
FRR has many things going for it, and it is, overall, clearly the best of its kind on windows. I'd love to see it move up to the next level!
Thanks again for an excellent little utility!