This is for those of you who feel that you have properly secured your home with good quality locks each night before you turn in.
Now almost any Tom, Dick and Harry can break into your house with no sign of forced entry which means your insurance company would just assume that you left your house unlocked and you deserved to be robbed or burgled and I certainly hope not injured.
I don't always turn on my alarm system, but I will certainly do so as this technique gain more traction on the internet.
Read it in Newsweek and watch it on youtube. I hesistated posting this here, in order to not help propagate this. But I think donationcoders need to know about this to better protect themselves.
Lockpicks See Security Flaw in Most Locks - Newsweek Technology -
"Beware the 'Bump' Key
As lockpicking gains traction as a hobby, a surprisingly easy new technique has been circulating online and among hackers.
By Brian Braiker
Updated: 2:43 p.m. ET Aug. 5, 2006"
http://www.msnbc.msn.../1/displaymode/1098/Watch the shocking video at : Mouser, admin or whoever, if you think in the interest of not helping spread this bump key thing, please remove this post.