two questions from dev to dev, because it wonder me since post #1
can such an application really safe me clicks/mouse movement/steps to do/time... that was my basic thinking for post #2
question #1: i mean like i wrote in post #2 "have 2x Explorer open, drag and drop, done", is your way in any way faster?
more elegant/comfortable it might be. like all your splendid apps. but that is not my question and yes, it is a user wish that you do, that i know and respect.
(fyi, i do all my file operations with totalcommander tool so i wont test this time your app)
in no way i want to make you application bad, really, i just would like to understand the "useful-factor"
question #2: compared to pure windows functions, how would you rate your own app? (0 = not needed at all, 10 = cant live without)
thanks for reading and hopeful not mad with my spelling and questions!