I am trying this. I think is solved !!!! :
; hotkey to bring up menu
; Control+shift+c
; hotkey for "Choose Location..."
; hotkey for "In Explorer windows"
; toggle key for comments: CapsLock, NumLock, or ScrollLock
; CommentToggleKey=NumLock .. Prefiero poner como tecla para activar el comentario la tecla de Bloque desplazamiento que en inglës es .......
; destination locations (numbered starting at 1) to choose from
; absolute path
; environment variable support
; multiple locations, separate by |
; hotkey for location(s)

; C:\Users\JOSE\Desktop
; try p:\Users\JOSE\Desktop
; initial value : %USERPROFILE%\Desktop , trying P:\Users\JOSE\Desktop , NO VALE PORQUE NO ENCUENTRA LA RUTA
; sigo con valor P:\Escritorio AND WORKS !!!!!!!!. In the first proof create the shortcut ...
5=^+p::%USERPROFILE%\Desktop|%USERPROFILE%\Mis Documentos\
; paso a q para que no coincida la tecla con el nuevo addon de Ewemoa de ChooseMyParent
; la combinación control+shift+o me da conflicto hoy con TB para ver mensaje en la conversación. Es necesario cambiarla. Lo hago por Control+Win+O
; me da problemas. cambio a control+win+z. Tiene comportamiento extraño esta combinación en notepad++
6=^+j::%USERPROFILE%\Mis Documentos\
So resuming
After modify in the windows explorer options to see THE COMPLETE PATH IN THE TITLE was not enough because I have indicated that the desktop is not in the unit c: , It is in the unit P:
Edited : where the smile appear go p:\Escritorio , and before :

edited : desktop in spanish is "Escritorio".