Hi Mouser. Today was the first time that I actually tried to restore from a backup. I had a big script project before I upgraded my laptop with an SSD. I forgot to save the script file, but I thought it might be in my CHS database. I tried to import from the CHS backups that I did save before wiping my hard drive. It didn't really work (see screenshot).
screenshotAnyway, no big deal. But I
see that if I do a manual export, it gets saved as a .csv file... Why not have that be the standard file type for periodic CHS automatic backups? As I look in my CHS directory, I see .bkp, .bbk, .blb, .bdk, .ibk, and .idx file types, but I can't seem to do anything with them.
Anyway -- I hope everyone is staying healthy out there!
EDIT: I just found the setting for importing a back up.