If this only happens in the newest FARR version then it is probably an issue that mouser will fix.
In the meantime you could try some workarounds:
First, check if you can move the FARR window using the Win + Shift + Left/Right shortcuts in Windows. Those shortcuts work on most windows. Did not work on my FARR though, but worth a first try.
Alternatively, try using an AutoHotkey script to move the window to the visible part of the screen. One single line of code is enough to move the FARR window to near the middle of the primary display on my PC.
WinMove, ahk_class TMainForm ahk_exe FindAndRunRobot.exe,, 500, 500
If that works then you could for convenience make a FARR alias to run the script when you type "move".
alias name: move FARR
regex: ^move$
Result: dolaunch C:\folder\moveFARR.ahk
Modify the result line to the filename and folder you want for the AutoHotkey script.
You could also change the "move" part of the regex to whatever other string you want to use to launch the script.