I am trying to do something that i can't seem to manage. During the running if a long script there are several steps where various data is either input or created. At the end of the script, it is easy to write up a Job-Run Sheet that shows all the parts and pieces and where they got used and how.
I would like to be able to create the Job-Run sheet so that it is filled in while the loader is being run. The first data entered is the job number and I use that to create a text file named "entered number.txt". An d i was able to echo the first bit of data into it as line 1
But when i open the file so it can stay open as edited i cannot get the script to continue
This is a setup for User to create a setup log and it would he helpful if they had that information displayed as it was entered instead of after the fact. I have been able to create the Job-run <#> text file as well as write the first line but as soon as i open the file for viewing I am unable to return to the original batch script to continue.
This does not have to be a text file at that point as long as the User can see an easy to read listing of what they did so far.
Below is the code where the problem starts.
set /p snum="Enter Job Number: "
>%snum%.txt echo Job Number is %snum%
call notepad %snum%.txt
>>PS: I also tried cmd /c with same results
As soon as I call notepad to open the file so it can be read, the script stops. I want it to stay in view so each step that echos more data to it will display the data in the same way