Not heavily tested but the basics are working...
You're free to modify it, but reference to my user account name here if you do this...
After you've downloaded the servers (via the belonging button), select one or more (via holding shift or ctrl) in the listview and click on the "Save config(s)" button.
You may want to choose a different path via the "Choose" button first, because the C:\ root may not be writable without appropriate permissions...
Thanks highend01, that works nice!

If possible add some information from the download
or that if it is not possible to have the size of the download first then how much mb or bytes have been downloaded
It's a bit confusing don't have some kind of information like that and just seeing a "working" window

This can be useful specially if we have a slow internet connection or if was disconnected during download, you know, to know what is happening.
In any case the program works perfectly, thank you very so much!

Hello c-sanchez!
As I begin December's coding, I can do this one for you 
Hi publicdomain! thanks for your reply, as you can see highend01 did exactly what I wanted, however I think can be nice view some other tool with the same idea, other implementation

Maybe some C++ version or some other programming language would be nice.
How can you make this? Just curiousity heh
By ohter side, just in case, I don't despise what highend01 did, don't get me wrong.
That tool was made really cool, I like the simple and effective things

Please tell me what do you want to achieve with this (exactly).-publicdomain
Well, I usually use vpngate to avoid the download limit of some sites like mega, nothing illegal I think haha, also is much better than download the full VPN Gate Client, since with have the config files and openvpn installed in the system is enough, even exist some openvpn portable!
Is the whole program based on parsing to extract everything?-publicdomain
Yup, I guess is the best way to do

Should the filtering be done multiple times on the resulting files after they're written to your computer (i.e. download in bulk then filter multiple times)?
Is this the case? -publicdomain
As highend01 did, download the base64-encoded csv list, decode this, show the list, and allow download any config, I'm not sure how is downloaded that.
All configs are downloaded locally is some temporary directory?
Are downloaded via individual links?
Do feel free to express at ease for us to engage!-publicdomain
Thank you so much for all guys!
Are the best