Interesting question!

I think "
favorite" clips is the most used part. So it should be special(and I also think "All clips" are special vitual folder. both virtual and real. actually this is meaningless).
It doesn't matter if you have few clips in "favorite" (thus you don't even need to create child group in it)
But what about you have a lot of "favorite" clips? Lets make it 100. In this situation,
you'd better create sub-folders if you don't want to scroll one by one(
this is what "All clips" but not "favorite" should do) to the target.
People may say this can be done by other "virtual" folders. But with limitation!!
You can create whatever sub-folder under "favorite":
work, email, macro, AHK, FFmpeg, 祝福语, поэзия... But as mouser said in other thread --
"Virtual" folders, which define a rule for clips (like all clips with a url or some text in them, or clips from a certain app, or taken during a certain time period) They are in fixed names!!!
So how about "double" define by database (SQL) conditions(I don't know the possibility since I'm not a coder)??
"favorite" -- in favorite of cource;
"favorite"&"AHK" -- in favorite/AHK
Same for the third+ level folder!
This should be a solution.