VueScan regular prices are $39.95 for the standard edition (including 1 year of updates) and $99.95 for the professional version (including more features and lifetime updates).
Currently Ed Hamrick offers a discount of 10$ for both versions here
However, I just noticed a way to get a $20 discount (20%) on the professional version.
This is the way to do it:
1.) Buy the standard edition for $29.95 here
https://www.hamrick.com/reg.html2.) Upgrade from standard to professional for $50 here
https://www.hamrick.com/regu.htmland $29.95 + $50 = $79.95 for the lifetime license with all features - a great bargain!
VueScan has been getting more and more features over the years, upgrades usually happen every couple of weeks. Most scanners, even old ones that do not have drivers for Windows 10 or 7 any longer, can still be operated through VueScan, Multi-Function Printers too.
Here is a review on our site:
Scanning: VueScan and AssociatesEnjoy!