Yeah, I never did trust Bach anyway.
But in all seriousness, knowing of a flaw like that wouldn't bother me as I never have trusted VLC anyway. For years I have used it as my main/preferred audio player, but it was always blocked in the settings from going out to the net and I also blocked it at the firewall, just in case. Same with Windows Media Player - but that was because I figured MS (with its deliberate "Rights Management") was in cahoots with the apparent US government corruption by organisations such as (for example) the RIAA and MPAA, who had also got themselves embedded tick-like with the NZ government. Basically "legally" spying on users via ISPs, collecting their usage and downloading metadata and phoning home to good ol' MSHQ or somesuch with the info, prosecuting people for downloading freely available material. No thanks. I don't leave my door open for people/censors like that. My kids could (and do) download all sorts of harmless stuff that I don't need to know about - the harmful (e.g., malware, virus, trojan) stuff is automatically caught and blocked though.
That's why I used
Windows Firewall Control (now owned by Malwarebytes),
Simple DNSCrypt and the
SoftEther VPN Client + VPN Gate Client Plug-in.
I value and protect the online security and privacy of myself and my family and I don't accept snooping and being "hit" by anyone, especially US or other nation corporate mafia-type organisations sanctioned by the state.