Mouser, All three monitors are exactly the same, running at the exact same standard resolution of 1920 x 1080.
So, I have my config set for printscreen button to enable region selection.
No, the screen isn't magnified - it just moves to the next monitor. You know how when you go to select region, the screen "freezes" for a moment until you select the region? I think what it really does is make a temporary full-screen bitmap of the full monitor's screen and then let you select what part of it you want. Well, it's this full-screen bitmap that gets jumped to the next monitor.
Another thing is that when the full-size image is moved to the next monitor, when I select the part I want - that part works, but the auto-name that SC gives it is named by the highest window in the stack on that monitor. So, if I have notepad open on the other monitor, the autonamer names it notepad, even if I am screenshotting something on the first monitor.
Restarting does not change anything.
Here are my monitor display configurations.
[Solved] Capture moves window to other monitorActually, this only happens if I try to take screenshots on the center monitor #2, where the full-size image and the crosshairs move onto monitor 3 for me to crop. If I hit the hotkey on monitor #1 or monitor #3, it seems to work just fine.