Hahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha omg no this is such a bad idea.....who the hell would want to share their browsing history for the world to see?
Also...if mouser tried to implement this to DC, I would personally fly to Illinois to throat punch him.
I would. Not all my browsing history but some. Look at it this way. You have total 1 million followers from twitter, youtube, facebook, etc. They see what you post. Ask them, if they'd be interested to see what you browse. THEY WOULD.
Now, when these 1 million head-off to the first page you are browsing, providing they are from English speaking countries you would earn $5,000 on the spot.
When on the 2nd minute you headover to the 2nd page on the same website or a different website, then when those 1 million trail you again to the 2nd page you are currently at, then you'd earn another $5k and so on. Why ? Because, all your browsing history links would be converted to interstitial ad links (adfly, linkbucks.com, etc. links). Therefore, whenever they click the same links you are browsing, they won't go to the original links but converted links. When they click these links they will see 5 secs ads and you will earn money after 5 secs of them clicking the links.
Believe me you, if celebrities allowed the world to follow them like this then they would earn by the minute nearly non-stop getting followed from link to link. They will earn more than what they earn acting in movies or releasing music, etc.
This is the future.
Now, I believe you will change your mind and say you will NOW allow others to see your browsing history if it's gonna earn you tonnes of money like that. In short, all your links from your browsing history would be converted to adfly etc. links before being publicized publicly. The more the public view your browsing history and click those adfly etc. infested links then the more money you earn! Now, you wanna go public with your browsing history.! Don't you ? Lol!