$Global:SyncHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
# Load WPF assembly if necessary
$psCmd = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
[xml]$xaml = @"
<Window x:Class="DCIMover.MainWindow"
Title="DCIMover" Height="350" Width="522" ResizeMode="CanMinimize">
<TextBox x:Name="TextBox1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="102,72,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="325" ToolTip="Destination folder for photos/videos"/>
<Label x:Name="Label1" Content="Destination" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="25,66,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="72"/>
<Button x:Name="Button1" Content="..." HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="460,72,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="32" ToolTip="Select destination folder"/>
<Label x:Name="Label2" Content="Source" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="25,21,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<ComboBox x:Name="ComboBox1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="102,25,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="62" ToolTip="Select source card from list"/>
<ProgressBar x:Name="ProgressBar1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="26" Margin="25,118,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="467" IsTabStop="False"/>
<TextBox x:Name="TextBox2" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="136" Margin="25,164,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="467" ToolTip="Status messages" AllowDrop="False" Focusable="False" IsTabStop="False" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" IsUndoEnabled="False" IsReadOnly="True" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True"/>
<Button x:Name="Button2" Content="Start" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="417,25,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"/>
<RadioButton x:Name="RadioButton1" Content="Copy" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="331,19,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsChecked="True" ToolTip="Copy files from card"/>
<RadioButton x:Name="RadioButton2" Content="Move" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="331,39,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" ToolTip="Move files from card"/>
# Remove XML attributes that break a couple things.
# Without this, you must manually remove the attributes
# after pasting from Visual Studio. If more attributes
# need to be removed automatically, add them below.
$AttributesToRemove = @(
Foreach ($Attrib in $AttributesToRemove) {
if ($xaml.Window.GetAttribute($Attrib)) {
$reader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml)
$SyncHash.Window = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( $reader )
[xml]$XAML = $xaml
$xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@*[contains(translate(name(.),'n','N'),'Name')]]") | %{
#Find all of the form types and add them as members to the synchash
, $SyncHash.Window.FindName
) ) }
$Script:JobCleanup = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
$Script:Jobs = [system.collections.arraylist]::Synchronized((New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList))
#region Background runspace to clean up jobs
$jobCleanup.Flag = $True
$newRunspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
$newRunspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("jobCleanup", $jobCleanup)
$newRunspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("jobs", $jobs)
$jobCleanup.PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
#Routine to handle completed runspaces
Do {
Foreach($runspace in $jobs) {
If ($runspace.Runspace.isCompleted) {
$runspace.Runspace = $null
$runspace.powershell = $null
#Clean out unused runspace jobs
$temphash = $jobs.clone()
$temphash | Where {$_.runspace
-eq $Null} | ForEach {$jobs.remove
($_)} Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} while ($jobCleanup.Flag)
$jobCleanup.PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
$jobCleanup.Thread = $jobCleanup.PowerShell.BeginInvoke()
#endregion Background runspace to clean up jobs
$objShell = new-object -com shell.application
# Special Folders: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/shldisp/ne-shldisp-shellspecialfolderconstants
# eg. Pictures = 0x27
$objFolder = $objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select destination folder", 0x00000074, $SyncHash.InitFolder)
if ($objfolder.self.path -ne $null) {
$SyncHash.TextBox1.Text = $objfolder.self.path
# Start-Job -Name Sleeping -ScriptBlock {start-sleep 5}
# while ((Get-Job Sleeping).State -eq 'Running'){
# region Boe's Additions
$newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
$newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
$newRunspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("SyncHash", $SyncHash)
$PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
Function Update-Window {
Param (
# This is kind of a hack, there may be a better way to do this
If ($Property -eq "Close") {
$SyncHash.Window.Dispatcher.invoke([action]{$SyncHash.Window.Close()}, "Normal")
# This updates the control based on the parameters passed to the function
# This bit is only really meaningful for the TextBox control, which might be useful for logging progress steps
If ($PSBoundParameters['AppendContent']) {
} Else {
$SyncHash.$Control.$Property = $Value
}, "Normal")
Function Get-MetaData {
Param (
[string]$path = '',
# [PARAMETER( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'extension eg. .mp3, .txt or .mov')]
# [string]$type = '', # 'mp3'
if ($images) {
$types = $SyncHash.imageTypes
} else {
$types = $SyncHash.videoTypes
$path += 'DCIM'
if ($recurse) {
$LPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory -Recurse
} else {
$LPath = $path
# $DirectoryCount = 1
$RetrievedMetadata = $true
$OutputList = New-Object 'System.Collections.generic.List[psobject]'
Foreach ($pa in $LPath) {
$shell = New-Object -ComObject shell.application
if ($recurse) {
$objshell = $shell.NameSpace($pa.FullName)
} else {
$objshell = $shell.NameSpace($pa)
# Build data list
$count = 0
# Filter on filetype
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $types.Count; $i++) {
$filter = $null
Update-Window -Control ProgressBar1 -Property Value -Value 0
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
$filter = $objshell.Items
() | where {$_.Name
-match $types[$i]} Write-Message "Collecting Metadata for '$($types[$i])' files ..."
$filter.Count > 0 if more than one matching file
$filter.Count = 0 if no matching files
$filter.Count = $null if one matching file
Foreach ($file in $filter) {
if ($RetrievedMetadata) {
# Build metanumbers
$Metanumbers = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[int]'
for ($a = 0; $a -le 400; $a++) {
if ($objshell.GetDetailsOf($file, $a)) {
$RetrievedMetadata = $false
$CurrentDirectory = Get-ChildItem -Path $file.path
if ($filter.Count -gt 0) {
try {
Update-Window -Control ProgressBar1 -Property Value -Value ([math]::Round((($count / $filter.count) * 100)))
} catch {}
} else {
try {
Update-Window -Control ProgressBar1 -Property Value -Value 100
} catch {}
# Build Hashtable for each file
$hash = $null
$Hash = @{}
foreach ($nr in $Metanumbers) {
$PropertyName = $($objshell.GetDetailsOf($objshell.Items, $nr))
$PropertyValue = $($objshell.GetDetailsOf($File, $nr))
$Hash[$PropertyName] = $PropertyValue
$FileMetaData = New-Object -TypeName PSobject -Property $hash
Process-OutputList $OutputList $images
Function Process-OutputList {
Param (
$dest = $SyncHash.Window.Dispatcher.invoke([System.Func[String]] {$SyncHash.TextBox1.Text})
if ($files.Count -eq $null) {
Write-Message "Copy/Move one file ..."
switch ($images) {
$true { $takenDate = [datetime]((Select-Object -InputObject $files[$j] -ExpandProperty 'Date Taken') -replace '[^\d:/ -_.,]', '') }
$false { $takenDate = [datetime](Select-Object -InputObject $files[$j] -ExpandProperty 'Date Created') }
if ($takenDate -ne $null) {
$outPath = ($dest + '\' + $takenDate.Year + '\' + ($takenDate.Month).ToString('00') + '_' + ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedMonthName($takenDate.Month)) + '\' + $files.Name) -replace '\\', '\'
Move-File $files.'Path' $outPath $takenDate
Update-Window -Control ProgressBar1 -Property Value -Value 100
} else {
Write-Message "[Warn]: $($files.Name): Date Taken not found, Copy/Move not performed" $true
} else {
if ($files.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Message "Copy/Move $($files.Count) files ..."
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $files.Count; $j++) {
$outPath = $null
$takenDate = $null
switch ($images) {
$true {
if (((Select-Object -InputObject $files[$j] -ExpandProperty 'Date Taken')).Length -gt 1 ) {
$takenDate = [datetime]((Select-Object -InputObject $files[$j] -ExpandProperty 'Date Taken') -replace '[^\d:/ -_.,]', '')
} else {
Write-Message "[Warn]: $($files[$j].'Name'): Date Taken not found, Copy/Move not performed" $true
$false {
$takenDate = [datetime](Select-Object -InputObject $files[$j] -ExpandProperty 'Date Created')
if ($takenDate -ne $null) {
$outPath = ($dest + '\' + $takenDate.Year + '\' + ($takenDate.Month).ToString('00') + '_' + ((Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedMonthName($takenDate.Month)) + '\' + $files[$j].'Name') -replace '\\', '\'
Move-File $files[$j].'Path' $outPath $takenDate
Update-Window -Control ProgressBar1 -Property Value -Value ([math]::Round((($j + 1) / $files.Count) * 100))
} else {
Write-Message "No matching files found ..."
Invoke-Item (Split-Path -Path $outPath)
Function Move-File {
param (
if (!(Test-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $dest))) {
New-Item (Split-Path -Path $dest) -ItemType Directory
if (!$?) {
Write-Message "[Error] Failed to create folder: $(Split-Path -Path $dest)" $true
if (!(Test-Path $dest)) {
if ($SyncHash.Window.Dispatcher.invoke([System.Func[string]] {$SyncHash.RadioButton1.IsChecked}) -eq 'True') {
Copy-Item $source $dest
if (!$?) {
Write-Message "[Error] $(Split-Path $source -Leaf): Copy failed" $true
} else {
Move-Item $source $dest
if (!$?) {
Write-Message "[Error] $(Split-Path $source -Leaf): Move failed" $true
Set-ItemProperty -Path $dest -Name CreationTime -Value $date
} else {
Write-Message "[Warn] $(Split-Path $source -Leaf): Exists in destination" $true
Function Write-Message {
Param (
[boolean]$err = $false
Update-Window -Control TextBox2 -Property Text -Value "$($message)`r`n" -Append
if ($err) {
$SyncHash.hadError = $true
$message | Out-File -FilePath $SyncHash.LogFile -Append
# Button2 Main
$srceFol = $SyncHash.Window.Dispatcher.invoke([System.Func[String]] {$SyncHash.ComboBox1.SelectedItem})
$destFol = $SyncHash.Window.Dispatcher.invoke([System.Func[String]] {$SyncHash.TextBox1.Text})
$SyncHash.hadError = $false
if (($destFol -ne $null) -and ($destFol -ne '')) {
if (($srceFol -ne $null) -and ($srceFol -ne '')) {
$ini = "[General]`r`ndest=$($destFol)`r`ninitfolder=$($SyncHash.InitFolder)`r`nimages=$($SyncHash.h.Get_Item('images'))`r`nvideos=$($SyncHash.h.Get_Item('videos'))"
Out-File -FilePath $SyncHash.iniFile -InputObject $ini
$SyncHash.LogFile = ("$($env:TEMP)\$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd_HHmmss').txt").Replace('\\', '\')
Update-Window -Control Button2 -Property IsEnabled -Value $false
Update-Window -Control RadioButton1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $false
Update-Window -Control RadioButton2 -Property IsEnabled -Value $false
Update-Window -Control TextBox1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $false
Update-Window -Control ComboBox1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $false
Update-Window -Control Button1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $false
$SyncHash.hadError = $false
Update-Window -Control TextBox2 -Property Text -Value ''
Write-Message "---- START ----`r`nLogfile: $($SyncHash.LogFile)`r`nProcessing image files ..."
Get-MetaData -Path $srceFol $true -Recurse
Write-Message "Finished image files`r`nProcessing video files ..."
Get-MetaData -Path $srceFol $false -Recurse
Write-Message "Finished video files`r`n---- END ----"
Update-Window -Control RadioButton1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $true
Update-Window -Control RadioButton2 -Property IsEnabled -Value $true
Update-Window -Control TextBox1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $true
Update-Window -Control ComboBox1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $true
Update-Window -Control Button1 -Property IsEnabled -Value $true
Update-Window -Control Button2 -Property IsEnabled -Value $true
if ($SyncHash.hadError) {
"--- SAVE THIS FILE ---`r`n" + (Get-Content $SyncHash.LogFile -Raw) | Set-Content $SyncHash.LogFile
Write-Message "*** There were errors, refer to log file ***"
Invoke-Item $SyncHash.LogFile
# End Button2 Main
$PowerShell.Runspace = $newRunspace
PowerShell = $PowerShell
Runspace = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke()
#region Window Close
Write-Verbose 'Halt runspace cleanup job processing'
$jobCleanup.Flag = $False
#Stop all runspaces
#endregion Window Close
#endregion Boe's Additions
# GUI Main + Functions
Function Add-Drives {
$usb = ([System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() | Where DriveType -match 'Removable')
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $usb.Count; $i++) {
$dcimFol = ($usb[$i].Name) + 'DCIM'
if (Test-Path -Path $dcimFol) {
[void] $SyncHash.ComboBox1.Items.Add($usb[$i])
Function Read-Ini {
if (Test-Path -Path $SyncHash.iniFile) {
Get-Content $SyncHash.iniFile
| foreach-object -begin {$SyncHash.
h=@{}} -process { $k = [regex]::split
($_,'='); `
if (($k[0].CompareTo("") -ne 0) -and ($k[0].StartsWith("[") -ne $True)) { $SyncHash.h.Add($k[0], $k[1]) } }
$SyncHash.TextBox1.Text = $SyncHash.h.Get_Item('dest')
$SyncHash.InitFolder = $SyncHash.h.Get_Item('initfolder')
$SyncHash.imageTypes = ($SyncHash.h.Get_Item('images')).Split(',')
$SyncHash.videoTypes = ($SyncHash.h.Get_Item('videos')).Split(',')
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("This script requires Powershell v3+`r`n`r`nClick OK to exit")
$SyncHash.iniFile = '.\DCIMover.ini'
# End GUI Main + Functions
$SyncHash.Window.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
$psCmd.Runspace = $newRunspace
$data = $psCmd.BeginInvoke()