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Last post Author Topic: DONE: copy my wallpaper's full title  (Read 25136 times)


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2018, 03:32 PM »
regarding "Send To...": Send what?


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2018, 04:04 PM »
Does this help?
URL [How to Find the Current Wallpaper File Name and Path in Windows 8 and 10]
If the PoSh script does what you want, then I can try to make it more like you originally wanted.
Maybe it could be part of my desktop context menu? and from there* simply offer to Copy Full Path or To Open the picture right away, as a new step one+two? 
*there = "Desktop Background File Location":

Any icing on this cake would be, if it (the cake?) is part of my Desktop Context Menu
Futher more, it doesn't have to open Explorer  or  to copy the path  if it can have my image viewer (IrfanView) open the picture right away.
Well, that would be something like Send "Desktop Background File" To IrfanView.   If that is a genuine Send To...


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2018, 05:33 PM »
, maybe i'll include the idea of 4wd as well,
.... let me suprise you :)

no, NO!  :o   :(   
I swear, I already have plenty of screen-savers and wallpaper-changers. Please at least keep keep such projects apart from "IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title"!

Curt, calm down, he's talking about having it overlay the picture name/path on the backdrop as an option not implemented as a screen-saver/wallpaper changer.

Like DisplayFusion does:

2018-10-13 09_29_35-Greenshot.pngDONE: copy my wallpaper's full title

After all, if it's going to be loaded all the time as either a SysTray program or COM object why not add options - you don't have to enable/use them.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2018, 07:24 PM »
Welcome to Open Wallpaper v1.0
(c)reated by KodeZwerg for DC in 2018

-Curt Edition-

Extract the OpenWallpaper.7z anywhere (NOT IN \Program Files\ !!! if, then in \Program Files (x86)\ !!!)
Run OpenWallpaper.exe as Administrator.
A Dialog will appear, click [OK], thats it.
From this point you can right click on desktop and choose "Open Wallpaper".
This would run any associated application according to fileextension found.

Run OpenWallpaper.exe as Administrator.
Choose [No], delete OpenWallpaper.exe, thats it.

Updating Registry:
(needed if you copy OpenWallpaper.exe elsewhere or rename it)
Run OpenWallpaper.exe as Administrator.
Choose [Yes], thats it.


Windows 8 or higher.
Administrative Rights to install/modify setup.

further updates if at all can be found in this thread:
i might extend application, watch on forum for a thread by me KodeZwerg with name like Wallpaper Tool.


i hope everything works as expected, on my machine it does.
you can pre-test application by run "OpenWallpaper.exe -open", if it succeed you can follow above guide.



if the 32bit version is buggy for you, i've also compiled a 64bit version here.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 02:43 PM by KodeZwerg »


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2018, 04:38 AM »

amazing   :-*

You have absolutely nailed it, KodeZwerg! This is exactly what I was hoping for: A bare minimum doing minimum stuff the right way! Bravo!
KodeZwerg is no longer a zwerg, but a coder.

I have tested both 32 and 64, and they are both fine, but I am using the 64 version.

You have been donated

One minor thing: You should never use 7zip when you are going to enter other people's computer. Only use normal zip. This is not a safety related question or something, but simply a question about what people have as default. 7zip is not a default.

Thanks also to wraith808 and 4wd and 4wd for helping out.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 06:09 AM by Curt, Reason: Thanks »


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2018, 06:20 AM »

amazing   :-*

You have absolutely nailed it, KodeZwerg! This is exactly what I was hoping for: A bare minimum doing minimum stuff the right way! Bravo!
KodeZwerg is no longer a zwerg, but a coder.

I have tested both 32 and 64, and they are both fine, but I am using the 64 version.

You have been donated

One minor thing: You should never use 7zip when you are going to enter other people's computer. Only use normal zip. This is not a safety related question or something, but simply a question about what people have as default. 7zip is not a default.

Thank you also to wraith808 and 4wd and 4wd for helping out.
>>You have absolutely nailed it
>>I have tested both 32 and 64, and they are both fine
> That i love to hear  :Thmbsup:

>>KodeZwerg is no longer a zwerg, but a coder.
>Hahahaha wooot

> Thanks alot, was fun to create/learn

>>You should never use 7zip
> Thanks for advice, you should have mentioned it earlier by "Demo App" it was 7z aswell, it saves bandwidth for me.

>>Thank you also to wraith808 and 4wd
> dito, cool 2nd family found here! :-*

if you need further improvements, just ask, like a "override force IrvanView usage/skip associated application" feature.
i am ATM fixing a found minor bug in my code, if target filename is UNICODE my app wont work correct i think.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2018, 06:33 AM »
yeah, life... minor bugs and such

Where did my "Næste skrivebordsbaggrund" go?


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2018, 06:50 AM »
oh, yeah, the answer is often in the detail.

I clicked "Set this picture as new wallpaper" (on a picture that incl. `Ă¦Ă¸Ă¥) in order to check your question about Unicode. But when you do that, you have also told Windows you no longer are using Background > Slideshow, and then you don't need Next Background Picture (= the missing Næste skrivebordsbaggrund). Re-instate Background > Slideshow, and all is good. Not yet a problem of yours, but one day it may be.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 06:56 AM by Curt »


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2018, 07:03 AM »
i tried to implement UNICODE, if you could test this it would be great.
for now 32bit build only, 64bit will follow if succeed.



quicker response/better results you might get if you join us on IRC (realtime chat)

- re-modified source here and there
- using now a safer method to open files
- added feature to be windows 2000 compatible (in theory)

oh, and if you do like like the image in context menu, you can edit my .exe with any resource editor and replace MAINICON
if you do, it MUST be 12x12 pixels!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 02:44 PM by KodeZwerg »


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2018, 01:03 PM »
I didn't have any Unicode related problems with version 1, so I am not surprised that this version is without problems as well. My computer is running NTSF, so it is born with Unicode.

IRC talks too much


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2018, 01:13 PM »
in version 1.0 i used characters in a byte sequence. (works for most of us good, china russia india etc there should be a big problem)
in version 1.1 i am using a pointer of widechar. (this should implement much better multibyte characters compability)

cool to hear that all is like you wished, to me this thread is solved. i did not really knew that it already worked with your characters, you wrote some foreign words wich i do not know ;)


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #36 on: October 13, 2018, 02:40 PM »
for now 32bit build only, 64bit will follow if succeed.



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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #37 on: October 13, 2018, 03:14 PM »
i removed all older uploads, here v1.1 latest build.
i kept on fixing, should be final from my point of view.

64bit can be downloaded here.
32bit is attached.

have fun! :-)
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 04:44 PM by KodeZwerg »


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #38 on: October 13, 2018, 04:03 PM »
What went wrong? These two latest models are opening the transcoded version, not the actual picture! Forgive me that I didn't notice at first.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2018, 04:08 PM by Curt »


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2018, 04:46 PM »
What went wrong? These two latest models are opening the transcoded version, not the actual picture! Forgive me that I didn't notice at first.

ohhh, i hope i figured out what was wrong (your registry)
i did a case sensitive compare, now its unified.

choose your destiny: 32bit or 64bit


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #40 on: October 13, 2018, 04:53 PM »
No, that wasn't it.

I am now using the flawless version 1 (32-bit).


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2018, 04:59 PM »
did you update registry with the new builds?
they have now 32/64 inside name.

to update registry run OpenWallpaper32/64.exe as Administrator and choose [YES]

i just want to be sure.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2018, 05:05 PM »
I always unregister before removal. Sometimes I might even try to unregister again, just to make sure. Now, did I really close the door? It is always closed, but I will check it all the same.

But just for you, I will now unregister and reboot.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2018, 05:10 PM »
no deinstallation / system reboot / removal needed.
but running .exe once as Admin an click [YES] is required.


a quicktest, run "OpenWallpaper32/64.exe -open" and check what file is loaded.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #44 on: October 13, 2018, 05:17 PM »
but running .exe once as Admin an click [YES] is required.

^ yes, that was what I was trying to tell that I have been doing every time. The new one will register, but when used via a Desktop Rightclick command, it will not search for a picture, but will open the "What app will you use to open this unknown file format?" box.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #45 on: October 13, 2018, 05:19 PM »
we have just left Saturday and moved into Sunday. I am leaving now.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #46 on: October 13, 2018, 05:27 PM »
sleep well, if you like to continue this project, i can build a Demo again what lists me at wich point something goes wrong. (a window driven Demo with textbox)


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2018, 07:41 PM »
after a huge battle with my debugger, i am of the opinion that i have now eliminated the culprit.
I ask for indulgence for all the testing, but now I am more than optimistic that everything will work.

the whole thing would also be too good to be true, a mistake is still known to me and I am faced with a strange puzzle.

before you get started, there's something to keep in mind this time.
first perform a "remove" action from the existing OpenWallpaper.exe or OpenWallpaper32.exe or OpenWallpaper64.exe, that doesn't matter which file because all use the same key.
(run as Admin and select [NO])
This time this is desperately necessary!
i gave the 32bit and 64bit new registration keys that don't work together with the old ones.

if you have successfully removed the old version you can download an archive containing 32bit and 64bit here.
the handling of the new versions remains the same.
if you like you can install both versions parallel this time.
in the context menu every version now has its own short code behind it (x86 or x64)

and now I'll tell you what a riddle I can't get solved.
i don't know exactly where yet nor can i understand why it happen at all, at least the context menu of the 64bit version has a wrong picture.

if the new version doesn't work again, i have no choice but to make a "Demo App" or you stay with the first version.

and of course you can pre-test like always, to try without installation run "OpenWallpaper32/64.exe -open"

Preview to show my image riddle: Screenshot - 14_10 002.jpg
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 04:46 AM by KodeZwerg »


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #48 on: October 14, 2018, 04:50 AM »
@4wd, better script you find here if needed, plus multimonitor support.
if I perceive mousers suggestion and make a NANY out of it, that also comes in.


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Re: IDEA: copy my wallpaper's full title
« Reply #49 on: October 14, 2018, 04:53 AM »
Here, both 32 and 64 context menu pictures are wrong. Other than that, all is fine. But because of this, version 1 is still the better one! So, CodeDwarf, "for the exercise"; Let's get them context menu pictures right, right?