Hello Coders!
I have the following problem that i somehow can not solve on my own due lack of experience.
I have written a Program that is executed with Admin-Rights.
From that program i run other programs, but i do not want that others get same execution-rights as my own program has.
So my wish would be a little App-Starter where i have an command-line interface like
Parameter 1 = "Application Path + Name" (<- this will be executed)
Parameter 2 = "additional parameters" (<- this could be parsed to Parameter 1 if it helps)
Parameter 3 = True/False "Run As Admin/Run
not as Admin" (<- this is most important)
What i tried on my own was a creating a batch file:
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"
but target is executed with same Rights that my Application got.
(a wish would be some Delphi Snippet with such ability, but anything that does this job is more than welcomed!)
Can some more experienced help me please?