If you can live with Bookmarks folder try this to avoid having to rename icons:
/* Line below hide icons for folders - the way I use it, skip it if not useful */
.bookmark-item[type="menu"] > .toolbarbutton-icon {display: none !important;}
toolbarbutton.bookmark-item:not(.bookmark-group):not([type="menu"]) > .toolbarbutton-text {display: none !important;}
/* Change space around bookmark toolbar icons */
toolbarbutton.bookmark-item:not(.bookmark-group):not([type="menu"]) > .toolbarbutton-icon {
margin: 0px -2px 0px 0px !important;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important;}
Throw above in a userchrome.js file, nothing to it should you not know about this
http://www.mozilla.o...ort/firefox/edit#css Practically every pixel can be customized but I dont know how to move bookmarks. Some extension can probably do it.
I use Google Bookmarks more and more btw, mainly because of Gmarks
https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2888/ You can move that about as you please. I have a button for same icons I have in bookmark bar - which is not used much at all. Loads of options, import/export - organizing, Google Reader integration
http://groups.google.../GMarks/web/features I have some problems with caching of icons, a bit messed up but works fast enough. Firefox just dont seem to cut it after xxx bookmarks, Gmarks I use for special purposes, taking load off Firefox - or something.
To do what you request with Gmarks select Display tab, focus on Gmarks Toolbar, set name for label/folder (I use toobar!) - tick show icons only. Bookmark what you want to see with chosen label and place Gmarks toolbar where you want. Possible to have subfolders even.
Other services can do the same but I prefer Gmarks/Google since it is only about bookmarks and works fast.
How about moving navigation buttons to bookmarks bar? Save pixels for browsing.