Mailwasher Pro discount has been upped to 51% through May 2018.
Enter promo code mayday51 in the checkout cart and click apply to see the result.
I've used Mailwasher Pro for 14 years and while no spam filtering tool is close to perfect, I have yet to find any other system that provides me with the flexibility to deal with the problem satisfactorily. I have it set to check email on my server automatically, which allows me to check things and delete (or undelete) selectively before anything reaches my local email program. This is great if you use a pop3 account, but far less useful if you use gmail or a similar system, which makes me wonder about the long term market for this kind of software.
I'd guess that Nick Bolton (developer of Mailwasher) is thinking along the same lines, which may explain the great sale prices at this time. I renewed last year and my current license hs over two years left on it, which poses a dilemma, should I buy a lifetime license now at less than half price or wait and see what happens?
Given that I rely on Mailwasher every day, I'll probably go for the lifetime license now, if only to support the dev, but YMMV.