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Author Topic: Resource Scheduler  (Read 4010 times)


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Resource Scheduler
« on: January 09, 2018, 08:04 PM »
For some time now I have wanted to make a web-based application (in javascript - but I love jquery) whereby resources can be scheduled.
My premise is this:

Now, Ath has made a nifty bedroom-planner application (for scheduling bunkers, perhaps at a camp) which is similar, and I sort of unwittingly hijacked his NANY thread, so I am starting my own here.

Here is my premise.
(If you haven't read my profile, by the way, I am a Catholic Religious Brother, hence the nature of my premise)

We have here at our house 9 altars.
We have several priests stationed here, and often have visiting priests, and they all need to say Mass everyday.  It is my job to schedule them for a time and an altar.
Normally, a priest only says one Mass per day, but in some larger chapels they might say two.  I also have to schedule altar boys to serve for them.

Presently, I print out a big table and fill everything in by hand since it changes alot.  I used to do this in excel, but it is clumsy to cut and paste.

What I envision for the web application is this:
The user first enters in the names of all the priests so there is a list.
There are preset timeslots. Each Mass lasts about 45 minutes with preparation time.
The altar boys may serve at one time or another, so there needs to be a way to specify which times they are available (depends on their own schedules).

I want to be able to see a sort of layout of timeslots for each altar, and then drag and drop the name of the priest onto a time slot.  The same for the altar boys, but they need to somehow marked as available or not for a particular slot.  The idea is to drag and drop.  When a priest is placed into a slot, he is removed from the waiting list.  The server remains in the servers list if he is available for another time.

I would like to be able to change the calendar from day to week to month.
Also, it is a necessity that I be able to print the week chart so I can hang it in the Sacristy for everyone to see in the mornings when they say Mass, so they know where to go.

So far, I have found this resource calendar framework on github that can provide the calendar part. 

If anyone has any ideas, that would be great.


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Re: Resource Scheduler
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2018, 03:14 AM »
been reading through your postings,  have got a few questions
 each altar how many masses are scheduled per day and at what times  (ie does one altar say has mass at every 45 mins for 4 times a day or is it normally 1 mass per chapel per day.)

2. roughly how many priests do have "on the books" to say mass    like wise how many altar servers are on call at any one time.  Are there set priests there everyday.

3. do you require the daily or weekly timesheets to be retained for posterity.

4 Do you have a Apple tablet (ipad). just looking at an app that I use that could forfil most of your needs.
It will still need a spreadsheet program to print off weekly or monthly assignments.

it has an ability to clone whatever you setup the app to suit your needs both with data and without data but the format is retained as you have set it up. (To send to other people)

It uses a dropdown  menu for you to select what item you require from pre entered list. and has the ability to allow mutiple choices  say 2 or three altarservers or priests  no problem at all.

It has an infinite date entry .  you can configure a year ahead if you want to.

It can be configured to what your reqirements are.   

5     I realise that you are keen to share with others a web program and I am no coder and simply dont know how much is involved to produce a web program to suit your needs.

Drawback    its an Apple Ipad app.

regards nogojoe

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