online bookmark service to import 100K Linkmans for search on road - low $
Overall, I love Linkman, understanding that it is a Windows program, and a very effective cross-browser (they really do a superb job, I add and modify urls from about five or more different browsers). Thus it is a continual research tool (often bookmarking many pages from a Google book, each one having its own keywords) and pseudo-PIM. And there are over 100K bookmarks in my database, which Linkman handles quickly, or quick enough, on search.
When on the road, say on my iPad, the only online mechanism I am using is remote access, especially Teamviwer or Google Chrome Remote. It works, if I have my PC up, but it is not elegant.
Thus, I would like a cloud access method if possible, to my 100K bookmarks. Allowing a search. Sync is not necessary, but I would like to delete and update occasionally, maybe once a week, or once a month. The full file is 70 MB, which is relatively modest uploading these days. And I do not expect any great speed in searching, it would only be occasional search usage.
FYI: Usually I do not use the Dropbox or any sync from one puter to another. I simply switch by USB, however that does not really affect the question above. I am always a little gun-shy about sync making my data jambalaya, as used to happen with my Firefox bookmarks.
Btw, I do consider an older Firefox, or Pale Moon, with Roomy Bookmarks, my auxiliary method for quick finding and loading of the current hot and most important bookmarks. When I want to keep and quickly find track of my recent posts online, it is easier to do that in the bookmark bar than in Linkman, even if I add the url to Linkman.