Hi I'm a fan.
You can always read the current free issue at
http://www.langa.com/#cFred has a wealth of information and write columns for InformationWeek.
The newsletter is always very informative with lots of support type issues (dead hard disks etc), suggestions for good procedures (Windows setup, configuration, backup), lots of recommended software (that's how I found DonationWare.com).
There is also a good community feel - although you only really get to see the edited highlights that Fred choses for the newsletter - thought there are online forums too, and links to some articles at InformationWeek.
Note there are two versions of the newletter: one is free and is ad supported, the other is by subscription and is ad free, and also has extra 'Plus' content.
The Plus subscription is dirt cheap and well worth getting. It is $13.50 for a year, and there are two issues most weeks. See
http://www.langa.com/plus.htm for details. The regularly updated searchable archive is worth it alone!
I have subscribed to Fred's list now for a few years, and it is one of the few newsletters I get that is read from beginning to end with every issue.
Check it out.