it is probably another problem - creators update contains small cmd based applet called mbr2gpt, which convert mbr disk to gpt disk without files loss - i have read that it should be used through cmd, but i met on other forums at least 1 case where, it seems, it got at work automatically and tried to convert disk to gpt - it is especially provided for 7 to 10 upgrade cases, because 7 doesnt serve fully uefi
if it is your case you should ascertain what is exactly partition style on yor booting disk, i mean disk set in uefi\bios as booting - you could do it for example with partition wizard bootable cd started from cd - if it is gpt style there will be small 100mb partition efi on disk formatted in fat32 - and then use system applet bcdboot to write bootloader files to this partition (or just from 7 installer cd, using diskpart commands list disk, etc)
dual boot system is in this case of no consequence - you should be always able to add other 7 to bcd in case of problems
what partition should be active - of course with folder boot and bootmgr file - in partition wizard you can check folders\files on partition - just to mark partition and choose explore partition in menu - but only on mbr disk of course; system partition 100mb on mbr will be formatted in ntfs, not fat32
in gpt style disk there is no active partition - instead is system partition efi (esp - efi system partition), with windows boot manager files
sorry for my english, but i am in great hurry!
eventuallly, if you can use bcdboot, from installer cd or from recovery partition\folder, if possible (or from system, is in system32) - command something like
bcdboot c:\windows /s x: /f uefi
/s x: means
system partition letter = x: - you should assign letter to efi for example in diskpart, or in partition wizard, because normally this partition is without letter - letter is of no consequence for functioning because partition is recognized by uefi by guid in gpt partition table, not letter, letter is only for bcdboot to identify it; x of course only example
or maybe there are other commands in bcdboot automatically recognizing system partition efi without letter - i am no expert in bcdboot
another possibility - you should make functional 7 on hdd, and repair start on ssd from this 7, for example using easy bcd - easy bcd could repair both mbr and gpt start
to make funcional 7 on hdd you should mark partiton as active in diskpart, write codes on start sector of disk and active partiton (from cd - commands bootrec /fixmbr, and /fixboot), and write bootloader to active partition, command in bcdboot in 7 (all this with detached ssd)
bcdboot c:\windows /s c: /f mbr
to write bootloader bcdboot uses boot files templates from system registry folder, so you would not have systems choice in 10 - you should add both 7 to new bootloader in easy bcd
on hdd you can have mbr style, only on booting ssd gpt\uefi - partition style on data disk is of no consequence
to use bcdboot is probably important, because there are slight differences in bcd file for mbr and gpt; but easy bcd also can write right bcd