I'm hopeful that it'll be ready for release on the same timescale
It was, too.
In case anyone cares... there's a maternity application in use in the UK that has a few issues I decided I'd try to remedy.
First, a message of the day at login to remind midwives (in a reasonably cheerful way) that some of the shortcuts they often take with the application are a Really Bad Idea.
Second, assign an F1 key to a .CHM file that's pretty much an FAQ for the application. (The supplier's documentation is all but nonexistent, and entirely nonexistent within the program itself.)
Third, make a facility where a Consultant of the Week could be chosen from a menu by a select few and would appear to anyone needing to be reminded of who it was, at login or when desired at a press of the F2 key.
And for everything to look like it's an integral part of the application itself.
As I said, it's of relatively limited use: however, the techniques I used to achieve everything could probably be adapted to a variety of other (networked) applications and if anyone's interested I'd be willing to share lumps of code.