I'm currently writing a rather sophisticated web software in C++ (I'll post a topic on it when I'm done, so there's finally
another software of mine you can ignore
). As I - as you might know - usually prefer the KISS principle, I try
not to include as many external libraries as possible, probably reinventing the wheel in a lot of places yet sticking close to
the standard. (Hooray, C++17!)
During the past development I came across a lot of potentially interesting libraries which I ended up implementing myself because
all of them depended on the
Boost libraries, a huge can-do-everything monster of some header-only, some must-be-linked libraries which would add an indefinite amount of complexity to my application without being maintainable by me. The usual reason for the requirement of Boost is that Boost provides regular expressions and advanced file system functionality - both of which are
already a part of recent C++ standards (admittedly,
<filesystem> is still considered experimental).
In the light of Node.js's funny - I really don't like JavaScript -
left-pad debacle: Why, just why do some C++ folks prefer huge craploads of external libraries to just sticking to
the standard? Being portable is no excuse anymore, nothing is as portable as
the standard.