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Last post Author Topic: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker  (Read 23670 times)


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IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« on: April 27, 2016, 03:45 AM »
If anyone could create a tiny program that makes a programmable wav sound on mouse events like left mouse button down, right mouse button down, middle mouse button down and when clicklock is on that would be great. It would naturally be a global mouse hook, but no bells or whistles needed other than maybe a slider to adjust for the clicklock sound for windows 64. Please let me know if such a program exists. Additionally I have 2 extra buttons that could use a sound event attached to. Thanks in advance....


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2016, 10:11 AM »
I'm traveling for work until the weekend so, if you can wait (or nobody else takes this), I can do this for you when I get back.


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 10:16 AM »
Thanks I appreciate this so much... I hope this will be simple so it doesn't interfere with other programs... but as I said I just want to play .wav files on mouse events... especially to know when clicklock is actually on. As win 10 failed to do this.. thanks again so much...


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2016, 06:57 PM »
Thanks I appreciate this so much... I hope this will be simple so it doesn't interfere with other programs... but as I said I just want to play .wav files on mouse events...

Playing WAV files on mouse events is very easy.

especially to know when clicklock is actually on. As win 10 failed to do this.. thanks again so much...

I assume by "clicklock" you're talking about using a laptop touchpad, right?  If so, that part is going to be tough as I do not have a laptop with Windows 10 (or anything with W10 for that matter).


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2016, 07:10 PM »
Disregard my statement on ClickLock as I googled it and now know what it is.   :-[


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2016, 07:57 AM »
Clicklock is when you hold the mouse button down.. and eventually the left click will lock into place so you do not need to be holding down the mouse button anymore. Unfortunately this process is silent with no sound to tell you when it is on or off. Many mouse cursors do not change when clicklock is on either. I am actually disabled and find it difficult to keep holding down the mouse button while I work, so I need this function. Windows never had a sound associated with it (I checked) so that is the main reason why I came here to you fine people. I hope you could help me please and others who might like a sound to tell them it is on or off ...


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2016, 01:45 AM »
Here's a quickie proof-of-concept:  http://skwire.dcmemb...use/

Unzip into its own folder and run SqueakyMouse.exe.  I've included some sample WAV files for testing but feel free to change them to whatever you'd like.  Once you're ready, click the "Enable Sounds" button at the bottom to activate.  Since it's a proof-of-concept, there are no hide-to-tray options, etc.  Please let me know if this works how you had in mind.

2016-05-01_014304.pngIDEA: Mouse Squeaker

« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 01:51 AM by skwire »


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2016, 04:31 AM »
 :-* This is awsum.... And it's pretty convenient.. The interesting thing is I have heard of different glitches in Win forums to make the mouse sound... but nothing about controlling this event or the clicklock sound either... I wish micro-idiots would have done this... Although CursorFX now has sound events for different actions.. but they failed at clicklock though. thank you very much for this wonderful toy... :)


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2016, 10:43 AM »
thank you very much for this wonderful toy...

You're very welcome; I'm glad you find it useful.  Here's the website release version with a few extra usability options:

Website | Download
v1.0.1 - 2016-05-03
    + Initial website release.

v1.0.0 - 2016-05-01
    + Initial forum beta.

main.pngIDEA: Mouse Squeaker


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2016, 11:08 AM »
Squeaker is working good.. except... when I changed the sound from clicklock on... to another sound.. it stopped making the sound for some reason... I have it on my startup and I have tried different wav files.. even known working ones.. and nothing... please check it out when you get a chance...


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2016, 11:25 AM »
I know what happened! when I deactivated the left mouse button sound... it also deactivated the clicklock.. hmmm SO
in order to maintain clicklock monitoring.. we'll either need to get a blank or silent wav.. (if you do not wish to hear the sound with the left mouse button) I converted this mp3 from this site  :P to substitute or even include as a backup quiet sound) also I noticed that the settings do not take place until you restart the program.. otherwise.. this is great! :P Thanks again


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2016, 11:54 AM »
Skwire does it again !

I know I might sound like a broken record but let me take another opportunity to remind folks that if you want to encourage people like skwire and the idea of coders solving requests like this, please do send a few bucks to the coder (skwire in this case) by clicking the gold $ coin under their name to the left.


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2016, 12:03 PM »
I have donated 2 times... but I do not have any donation credits...  :( They both were never credited to me


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2016, 12:09 PM »
in the email with your license keys each time you donate is a link to click to deposit the donation into your account and upgrade your account.
email me if you can't get it to work or can't find your email ([email protected])


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2016, 12:19 PM »
thank you for your assistance..... :up:


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2016, 12:29 PM »
I know what happened! when I deactivated the left mouse button sound... it also deactivated the clicklock.. hmmm SO
in order to maintain clicklock monitoring.. we'll either need to get a blank or silent wav..

Nice way of solving this.   :Thmbsup:  However, this is a logic bug on my part that I will fix.


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2016, 12:34 PM »
no problem ... but the settings updating without restarting is a bit trickier I would think.. but thanks I do the best I can.. (for a beast :P)


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2016, 12:53 PM »
@luvnbeast: Please test the following release.  You should be able to uncheck the Left button option whilst leaving the ClickLock option enabled, i.e., you shouldn't need that blank WAV file anymore.

Website | Download
v1.0.2 - 2016-05-05
    ! ClickLock sound would not work if the Left button option was disabled.
      They're now independent of each other.  (Thanks, luvnbeast)


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2016, 01:05 PM »
@skywire Ok.. now the clicklock works no problem :) .. but the apply settings without restartng ... although at this point seems minor.. and besides once the settings are set.. it's one of those things, fix it and forget it... so it's still great :P and safe for the kids too..  :up:


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2016, 01:33 PM »
@skywire Ok.. now the clicklock works no problem :) .. but the apply settings without restartng ... although at this point seems minor.. and besides once the settings are set.. it's one of those things, fix it and forget it... so it's still great :P and safe for the kids too..  :up:

Apologies.  Please test this version.

Website | Download
v1.0.3 - 2016-05-05
    ! WAV file paths were not updated properly.  (Thanks, luvnbeast)


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2016, 03:12 PM »
Ok.. well when you deactivate to change the sound and then reactivate it keeps the old sound UNTIL the program is exited and restarted.. then it applies the new sound but in order to change it... it needs to be deactivated, changed, then restarted and you get the new sound... but... if there was some kind of procedure before each reactivation to apply the sound.. then no need to exit and restart... it could just simply apply the new changes and keep rolling.. however as I said though before the fact that microjerks couldn't even think to do this and any effort that you've taken to solve this obvious problem is absolutely great :) so yes the new version isn't fixing the reapplication well.. maybe I didn't explain it well enough previously so my fault..


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2016, 03:46 PM »
Well, it helps if I upload the new build, eh?  :-[  Please re-download and make sure it's v1.0.3 you're using and test again.  Sorry for the trouble.


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2016, 04:21 PM »
IT IS ALIVE!  :Thmbsup: It works perfectly and is a wonderful program! thank you so much and you also added an update feature as well to make it easier for the fix it and forget it idea! Not to mention its still fun for the kids! Thus the mouse squeaker is born..


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2016, 05:36 PM »
I just had a thought.. is there any way to implement a slider for for the volume of the squeaky? so this way it could be softer or louder independent of the wavs being played or would that be too much? What do you think? I mean not a slider for each wav of course.. but a general volume.. so this way the volume of loud wavs could be decreased.


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Re: IDEA: Mouse Squeaker
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2016, 07:12 PM »
I just had a thought.. is there any way to implement a slider for for the volume of the squeaky?

No, since it's just using the OS to play the WAV file directly.  I could rewrite it using a third party library (such as the BASS library I use in some other apps) to play and control the volume of the WAV file but I think that might be a bit overkill for this app.  The easiest thing would be to use an audio editor (Audacity is one) to reduce the volume of your WAV files.