Aliases is a very powerful feature in FARR.
Here are some small enhancement ideas (some mentioned before, but it could be useful to put them in a single thread here).
1 add a special search string to jump straight from the FARR inputbox to the myalias.aliases list in aliases/keywords/groups section of FARR options
2 add option to allow FARR searches even when options window is open (I describe a kind of workaround in an
old thread). Because configuring alias IME often involve getting paths to folders/files etc and... that is of course quickly done through a FARR search!
3 myalias.aliases list right click menu import/export commands: these show a box with each alias as a one line string. Make it so we can select all in that box with ctrl+A (standard windows behaviour). Let Esc close that window.
4 myalias.aliases list right click menu import/export commands: if the alias text is long copying it from export and pasting to import will cut it off without warning. For example try to import this
1000>>>test1>->test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt
These 1580 characters are on import cut off to 1024 characters. I ran into this error when exporting an alias that showed a list of long urls.
Here is an ahk workaround that gives us 3
#IfWinActive ahk_class TTextPasteForm ahk_exe FindAndRunRobot.exe ;import/export
ControlClick, TMemo1, A
send ^{Home}
send +^{End} ;select all
Esc:: WinClose, A
edit: partial workaround for 1
create this alias
name: alias
regex: ^alias$
results: dolaunch C:\folder\farr_alias_options.ahk ;;; dosearch gooptions
and save this ahk code to C:\folder\farr_alias_options.ahk (uncomment sleep lines if it runs too fast)
WinWait, ahk_class TOptionsForm
WinActivate, ahk_class TOptionsForm
;sleep 50 ;go slower
ControlFocus, TTreeView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
send AL ;selects aliases in left pane
;sleep 50
ControlFocus, TListView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
send {down} ;focus alias list