Gary North's newsletter (refer had a link to this post on the Of Two Minds blog: What Killed the Middle Class?
Well I try to stay out of these conversations because I find that large swaths of the internet are simply saturated with people who don't really think (sheeple) or who are terrified to discuss the reality, or simply don't want to because it is not facebook selfie material. Which is fine.
Businesses make nice little statements like: We don't discuss religio-political issues, as though they can be compartmentalized from business.
Personally I think there is a mastermind group that controls most of the wealth in the USA. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I know of certain groups...well their names are common knowledge, but their are groups within the groups and that top-tier 1% that make a lot of money and subtly or overtly try to undermine independent citizens not affiliated with their clique.
If we were living under a fascist rule, like Hitler for example, it would be as simple as making people slave laborers in factories to produce some goods (cars, drugs etc...) but since America is a little better, it has to be slightly less overt.
I believe the basic goal of these top tier groups is to draw a grid over all the land of the earth and as best they can divvy up all the real estate between themselves and their members.
There is no religious belief in it (although there may be religious symbols and undertones) but mostly it is just pure monopoly mindset.
Real estate is the driving factor in my opinion because it is one of the biggest 'status' symbols.
Not that real estate speculation is bad in anyway, just that it may be getting monopolized to some extent.
Then there is all the bs with the currency.
If there was a gold standard, cheats couldn't monkey around so much with the fine print and dupe people into paying such high interest rates.
If you know about advertising, credit law and how the offers are crafted, they are designed to give credit to people (some half-literate or young and in need) at 5% to 10% for 2 yrs and then BAM! hit em with a 30% interest rate.
Once that happens there may be no way for the 'mark' to get out of debt...who may have gotten as little as a few thousand for a college loan or for whatever...
The person's lifeblood is basically sucked dry, there is no way for them to build a business or own a home, and the money is transferred to the established players in the capital lending markets.
I think technology like Bitcoin and even PayPal are good for these reasons because they can make financial processes more transparent.
Take California for example:
California, for all it's natural beauty has some sordid history and was probably involved in fascist banking from the early 20th century.
The main driving economic forces in California right now are
A. methamphetamine (a great contribution to society from Hitler's scientists)
B. Mercedes (a nice luxury vehicle, high quality for sure, developed under fascist rule...but hey, looks shiny!)
If you want to talk drug trade, luxury goods and toys, american society, class wealth etc... yeah that's basically it...
Still echoes and emanations from as far back as WWII.
What some would call the lower classes i.e. drug users and drug sell or use meth and go back and forth to jail.
The lawyers and judges and state take their money to defend them or jail them and buy a new mercedes (or beamer as the case may be) with the money.
The lower classes take out loans
The lenders bilk a good percentage of them for astronomical interest rates.
And there it is.
The literate, middle class technology types with some good education and who aren't in the drug selling or using lifestyle or not affiliated with the secret societies aren't really climbing too high.
Yeah you can make money with technology but if you talk to people, a lot of it is simply illusion.
Take what you think you could make, divide it by 50 and subtract 10.
Technology for all of it's touted miracles, for many is not much better than slave labor..simply slave labor without the sweat.
That's my opinion anyways.
If you want to get further into religio-political discourse I can go there but would discuss privately because my views are probably not in the ballpark of a large percentage of my target market (as I'm in independent software sales)..
P.S. I'm fairly certain from what I've heard from fairly credible sources that a large percentage of the U.S. judges are part of the 10% group and actively seeking to be in the 1% group (already put their application in, on the waiting list for the inner, inner circle) so good luck changing it legally.
I'm not an anarchist and don't want to mess with 'the law'...
So basically I'm saying I would like to leave the US if possible for greener pastures, build something different...but that is hardly possible without fairly large sums of money and unless I find some worthwhile people to do it with and these groups have their tentacles into foreign countries as well, so even if you move you may still find yourself dealing with the same issues.