Yeah, between "It's a joke" and "The author is absolutely bonkers", I used Occam's Razor and went with joke

I still find it worth to reflect on, though. And while C++ is (still) my all-time favorite, I'm pretty convinced that C and C++ are the two most dangerous widely-used languages, and in ways that leads to real-world problems. Java is pretty safe as a language, Ruby has a few nasties, and JavaScript and PHP has a bunch of issues (that are different from the issues of C/C++ - it's mostly about making it easy to write incorrect logic rather than summoning
nasal demons).
Once you include implementations of the languages, the picture changes a bit. Once you include the standard libraries, it changes a lot (Java has some really funky attack vectors, deserilization attacks being oretty popular), and once you puddle standard frameworks on top it the game changes again, leaving PHP and Ruby pretty high on the exploitability lists (hello wordpress, hello rails).
But then again, expoitability isn't directly equatable to danger, one should probably also take severity of the system into account. "Plane falling" down is usually worse than "blog being hacked".
So if one really wanted to ban specific languages, one would have to think long and hard about what and why and how - and whether some
languages are fine, whereas we might want to purge a ton of their frameworks. I'm pretty sure PHP should be purged. I'm not sure whether any new code should be written in C/C++, but I'm also not sure whether we have languages that can fully replace them for everything.
Oh, and I wish there was something else than JavaScript for the web. The language and stdlib has a bunch of flaws - that it's relatively small is the only reason it's not on the 100%-purge-with-fire list. At the same time the stdlib is a bit too small, though, leading to zillions of monkeys reinventing (broken) wheels. And the DOM and all the related browserstuff is too big and messed up.