@mwb1100: Thanks for this notice.
Included in the list of proggies is the freeware Virtual CloneDrive 2016 01 13.
I already have Virtual CloneDrive 2011 3 6 installed on my laptop, so I upgraded to the latest version, which has undergone quite a lot of change, according to the changelog.
I have the excellent
shellcity.net in my feed-reader, and always check that site whenever they make a post. I think I would probably have downloaded Virtual CloneDrive from the link they give at:
http://www.shellcity.net/alpha/VIt says there:
Comments | Report Entry
Virtual CloneDrive works and behaves just like a physical CD/DVD drive, however it exists only virtually. Image files generated with CloneDVD or CloneCD can be mounted onto a virtual drive from your hard-disk or from a network drive and used in the same manner as inserting them into a normal CD/DVD drive. Probably the best virtual drive software, Virtual CloneDrive allows you to enjoy the freedom of a virtual drive and is completely free .....(free).....
The "Go There" link is to the now defunct slysoft URL, giving a 404.
I have left a comment about this at
shellcity.net re this software.