Doesn't have to be just google type stuff. You could have an entry for Everything Search, any number of NirSoft utilities etc..
FARR is easy and great for this. As long as the "targets" (google in browser, everything, ...) support command line parameters we can make FARR aliases to launch them with a searchstring.
For example I use two spaces at the end of a FARR searchphrase as an alias trigger to pass the search on to Everything. Very handy as you can first search with FARR and, if what you're looking for isn't found in a second or two, just tap space space.
To set it up in FARR create a new alias and put this in the regular expressions box:
And this in the results box:
Everything Search: $$1 | dolaunch C:\Program files\Everything\Everything.exe -search "$$1"
(Your path to Everything may vary)