Are you really looking for HD? Not sure if that is even available through an antenna-signal, I'd expect SD quality only 
Maybe not in the USA but HD DVB-T signal is routinely transmitted over FTA in other parts of the world, (eg. AUS, UK, NZ). Here in AUS we're still mostly transmitting HD in MPEG2, with some HD MPEG4 transmissions.
I've used USB DVB-T devices for more than 6 years without any problem on desktops, laptops, and even my old netbook. If your laptop specs aren't up to it then you might be stuck being only able to watch SD without stutter but I don't think you'll have that problem MilesAhead.
And as long as the tuner uses a standard BDA driver you can probably use whatever software you like to view the signal.
Of course, North America uses the ATSC standard but the requirements shouldn't be that much different.