So if your company lives in the dark ages like mine and doesn't have an exchange server, there's probably a good chance you've seen once or twice an infinite auto-responder loop. Both participants have their auto-responder on and for some unknown reason, one of them sends the other an email and leaves for the weekend or something only to find thousands of emails on the server when they get back.
The solution, as I've found, is
Email Remover. What this does is it allows you to delete emails directly from the server without having to download them all into Outlook or your mail client and delete them manually. Our company uses Network Solutions and it's delete-mail-from-the-server features are very, very lacking. With this tool, I can find the average size of the auto-responded emails and only delete them.
It's a nifty utility for those of us with stone-age email systems and if you're ever dealing with a mass email attack, I'd highly recommend this freeware!
Please feel free to recommend any other similar software in this thread too!