I always think it's nice to see an accumulative view of how many people are actually using your program, and if I delete every older version I lose those statistics. Perhaps a feature to delete the file from the server and just strikeout the text which use to be the url to download it, and remove the hyperlink of course.-Asudem
If you want to remove the download, but keep the number if times it was downloaded. Why not just turn the link into a string of plain text. The DL number wouldn't need to be held/tracked by the system as it would just be a static number so you could do something like this:
Live Link v1.30 downloaded xxx timesText Old v1.20 downloaded xxx times
Text Old v1.10 downloaded xxx times
Text Old v1.00 downloaded xxx times
Then you have a version popularity history at a glance that doesn't require any moving parts.
Yes I'm a bit of a hypocrite, I work in technology yet really like low tech solutions.