... So the old Display Settings may very well just be gone...
-Stoic Joker
Oh, good point. If they have been progressively decommissioning the old Control Panel, then you might well be proven right. Ha-ha and there I was gullibly presuming that they would probably fix it...
And actually - come to think of it... - as precedents go, there's already a workaround in T-Clocks I had to do years ago when the sound control target changed (IIRC) somewhere in the Vista era. So this will probably just be one of those: if(not X) do Y;
Then there was that damn nifty system calendar in 10 that - got moved from where it had been for years... - I never could figure out how to launch back when. How the hell White Tiger found the damn thing I'm not sure...but he did shortly after taking over the project.
-Stoic Joker
I rather like the latest
T-Clock calendar settings. I got this set up:
Welcome to the new T-Clock forum section- which is ergonomically (for my purposes)
almost as good as I had set up with
Welcome to the new T-Clock forum section